Lista de países por forma de gobierno; Gubernamental; Gobernar; Gobernativo; Lista de paises por forma de gobierno; Miembro del Gobierno; Gobiernos; Gubernativo; Miembros del Gobierno; Oficialista; Oficialismo; Órganos de Gobierno; Gobernamiento; Gobierno central; Agencia gubernamental
= administration, government, parliament, governance, dispensation.
Ex: When cataloguing a document issued by a regional government, the cataloguer must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.
Ex: In considering the headings to be chosen for government agencies it is as well to start by considering the headings for governments.
Ex: Librarians should not indulge in complacency in the wake of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's decision not to impose any VAT on books for the duration of the present parliament.
Ex: Public libraries specifically face enormous problems of funding and governance.
Ex: The role of government publications in the provision of information is discussed as well as the new constitutional dispensation which came into being in September 1984 in the Republic of South Africa.
* a cargo del gobierno = government-operated.
* a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
* apoyado por el gobierno = government-supported.
* ayuda del gobierno = state aid, state support.
* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
* bono del gobierno = government bond.
* cargo ejecutivo del gobierno = government executive.
* científico del gobierno = government scientist.
* corrupción del gobierno = government corruption.
* del gobierno = government-owned, government-operated, government-run.
* departamento del gobierno = government office.
* dependiente del gobierno = government-supported.
* elección del gobierno = political election.
* en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
* equipo de gobierno = administration, governing board, management.
* financiado por el gobierno federal = federally funded [federally-funded].
* gobierno autónomo = autonomous region.
* gobierno central = central government.
* gobierno de faldas = petticoat government.
* gobierno de la mayoría = majority rule.
* gobierno del estado = state government.
* gobierno dominado por mujeres = petticoat government.
* gobierno, el = political establishment, el.
* gobierno electrónico = electronic government (e-government).
* gobierno en el poder = ruling government.
* gobierno federal = federal government.
* gobierno laico = secular state.
* gobierno local = local government.
* gobierno participativo = participative management.
* gobierno regional = regional government.
* gobierno transitorio = transitory government.
* gobierno unipartidista = one-party rule.
* GPO (Imprenta del Gobierno Americano) = GPO (Government Printing Office).
* institución del gobierno = government establishment.
* junta de gobierno = ruling executive body, governing board.
* ministerio del gobierno = government ministry.
* ministro del gobierno = government minister.
* NAGARA (Asocicación Nacional de Archiveros y Gestores de Documentos del Gobi = National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA).
* oficial del gobierno = government official.
* órgano de gobierno = governing body, administrative body, governing board.
* partido en el gobierno = governing party.
* patrocinado por el gobierno = government-sponsored.
* patrocinado por el gobierno federal = federally sponsored [federally-sponsored].
* por el gobierno = governmentally + Adjetivo.
* por el gobierno federal = federally.
* portavoz del gobierno = press spokesman.
* por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
* promovido por el gobierno = government-led.
* propiedad del gobierno = government-owned.
* publicación de documentos del gobierno = government publishing.
* publicación del gobierno = government publication.
* regulado por el gobierno = state-regulated.
* sistema de gobierno = polity.
* subvencionado por el gobierno = government-subsidised.
* subvención del gobierno = federal grant, state aid, state support.
* supervisado por el gobierno = state-regulated.